I like code.
I did my BSc and MSc at TU Delft.
- 2025, March. MSc thesis "Domain-Specific Abstractions for Algorithmic Graph Processing": TU Delft Repository. Performed at Oracle Labs, Zürich.
- 2025, April. Sourav Mohapatra, Vito Kortbeek, Marco van Eerden, Jochem Broekhoff, Saad Ahmed, and Przemysław Pawełczak. 2025. Data Cache for Intermittent Computing Systems with Non-Volatile
Main Memory. In Proc. 30th ACM Int. Conf. Archit. Support Program. Lang. Oper. Syst., Vol. 2 (ASPLOS ’25), March 30-April 3, 2025, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
DOI: 10.1145/3676641.3715989
- 2022, June. BSc thesis "Extracting LLVM Intermediate Representation from Agda": paper, accompanying poster and proof-of-concept source code.
- 2022, November. Honours Programme Bachelor report "A Domain-Specific Language for Minecraft": technical report and accompanying implementation source code.
Old Projects
The MotorScript/Gazebo Saga (2019-2022)
An experimental general-purpose programming language targeting the Minecraft functions/data pack platform.
I've developed proof-of-concept versions over the course of several years, as listed below.
The source code is released for demonstrative purposes only, 'all rights reserved', unless specified otherwise.
CDMLLoader (2018)
CDMLLoader is a Minecraft mod using Forge that extends the Device Mod to have Java FX-like GUI files.
You can find some samples in the repository.